Ekklesía. The prophetic insights of a trailblazer

Ekklesía is a journal published by Città Nuova Editorial Group which is at the service of ecclesial commitment. Its headline  “Holiness next door” reflects the in-depth study of this latest issue (3/2022) Among the reflections, it explores the figure of Igino Giordani and his discovery of a holiness that is within everyone’s reach.

The “Holiness next door” is the theme explored by the latest issue of Ekklesía, which among the various contributions, contains an important study entitled Chiesa, popolo di santi (“The Church: a People of Saints”) edited by Elena Merli. It sheds light on the longing for holiness that went through the life of Igino Giordani; an interior search which, starting from the encounter with the Mystics, the Saints and the Fathers of the Church, matured in him over the years and found its culmination, and the road to full realization, in the encounter with the charism of Chiara Lubich :

“The young lady got up to speak. I was sure I about to hear some sentimental propaganda about a vague utopia. Instead, upon hearing her first words, I sensed something new. There was an unusual quality in that voice – the stamp of a deep and sure conviction that arose from a supernatural insight. It placed holiness within everyone’s reach; it removed the gates that separate the secular world from mystical life. She revealed the treasures of a castle to which only a few were admitted. She brought God close: she made one feel he was Father, brother, friend, accessible to humanity .” [1]

The vision of holiness in Giordani precedes the Second Vatican Council and is in true consonance with the current Magisterium of Pope Francis. It is a much appreciated contribution that will soon also be available in the English version of the journal by Città Nuova.

[1] Igino Giordani, Memorie di un cristiano ingenuo (“Memories of a Naive Christian”), Città Nuova,1994, p.149

Published On: 29/09/2022Categories: The Igino Giordani Centre, Initiatives, News, Uncategorized

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