• Hearths of love

    Our role as married couples is to be hearths of love in society, that burn and diffuse love. But first we have to carry out an apostolate to explain to people what marriage is, what love is… since through some types of films, novels, and articles in magazines, love which is the most sacred and beautiful word that has ever existed, has taken on deformed and trivial aspects. And it has become unidentifiable and totally reversed and is now no longer recognizable. It has become a caricature, a deformation and inversion. We want to reestablish its identity starting with the family from which marriage starts.

    (Igino Giordani, unedited speech to families, October 1979)
  • Moral duties

    The works of mercy are moral and material duties. And they nurture those who seek nutriment since the hunger of others is also mine and of the whole social body, of which I am an organic part. We cannot throw the grain of wheat into the sea – when in another part of the world, there are hungry people.

    (Igino Giordani, the Brother, New City, Rome, (1954) 2011, p. 65)
  • And this love…

    And this love unites the two people who marry. It unites them in the way Jesus said, “as one body,” meaning a perfect, personal union.This is the trend we wish to trace. We have to go against the current that has developed over the last centuries, and has destroyed this sentiment which has ennobled man, divinising him. And it has led and dragged him to a beastly status, a super-beastly, satanic level. That means, we want to recreate marriage, the sacrament.

    (Igino Giordani, unedited speech to families, October 1979)
  • The oxygen of civility

    Those who love their country, ensure peace, and life: in the same way as one who loves his son ensures his health. The peace and health of a people are the oxygen of its civility.

    (Igino Giordani, The uselessness of War, New City, Rome, (1953) 2003, p. 22)
  • The family is a sacred society

    Certain types of superficial literature made fun of married life and made marriage something to be ridiculed. And instead, the family is a sacred society, a priestly relationship, a divine mission. No other model shows many couples in love, and the nobility and also responsibility of this partnership, which the Church seals with the sacrament, making it a fountain that transmits the divine to human coexistence

    (Igino Giordani, Family, community of love,New City, Rome (1969) 2001,p.11)
  • “All things call for peace”

    “All things call for peace,”according to St. Thomas. In fact, all things hunger for life. Only the mad and hopelessly sick desire death. Death is war. The people reject it, and it is desired only by a minority to whom physical violence serves only to ensure economic benefits or to satisfy insane passions.

    (Igino Giordani, The uselessness of war, New City, Rome(1953) 2003, p. 7)
  • Religion tends to spread to all of humanity

    Religion is not circumscribed or consumed within the limits of the heart, or even those of the home: it is a dilation that tends to spread to all of humanity. Neither does it end up in the churches, where on the other hand, it starts, but goes out into the streets and squares to seek every corner and creature. When it steps out of the threshold of the home to launch into the world, faith is not hung like a nightcap to a nail behind the door, but is held up like a torch.

    (Igino Giordani, Diary of Fire, New City, Rome (1980) 1990, p. 17)
  • We defend ourselves from the others

    As to Catholics, many of us atavistic sloths, are accustomed to assigning to the others the task of thinking, to relieve ourselves of such effort… We are, in the best cases, always in a negative position: we defend ourselves from the others, the antagonists, but we still remain without the power to counteract, overcome, or impose our own ideas.

    (Igino Giordani, Catholic Revolt, New City, 1997, p.67)
  • A human value

    Politics is the art of governing society: it thus regards man in his relationships with other beings, and assumes a human and, therefore, moral value. If the honesty of the honest does not act in society, at the service of the others it becomes puritanical hypocrisy and contributes to the moral degradation of public life. Wrong governance from the command positions stresses out and corrupts institutions and employees: schools and courts, businesses and industries, trade unions and banks, public officials and taxpayers.

    (Igino Giordani, The Way, 21 January 1950)
  • Life

    The time lost in thinking about our ego is lost time: because the ego in itself is nothing. God is everything: time spent in a vital way, is that time we spend in thinking of God, that is, where life is.

    (Igino Giordani, Diary of Fire, New City, 1980, p.137)
  • The will of those who love

    If love of God means doing his will, the will of God becomes the will of those who love him: who therefore have a sole will, that of God, and they are unified in this.

    (Igino Giordani, The Divine Adventure, New City, 1961, p.42 )
  • We really need a revolution

    I don’t have patience, which is the rocky base on which the adversities are overcome. I don’t have love, which is intelligence of the heart, by which intrigues, ambitions, hypocrisy and cunningness are straw. I don’t have faith, for which, even if all would abandon loyalty towards religion and morals, I should peacefully go ahead. All these shortages come from the fact that the ruckus of money and ambitions…covers the voice of God and our sight from spiritual things… This is where we really need a revolution.

    (Igino Giordani, Diary of Fire, New City, 1980, p.76)
  • Paradise became a common home…

    Through the brother, I started to live God. Grace bubbled up freely…. Existence became an adventure, knowingly lived in union with the Creator, who is life. Many shone with a new beauty: the saints became familiar figures; paradise became a common home…

    (Igino Giordani, Memoirs of a naive Christian, New City, 1994, p.154)
  • At times you feel alone…

    Also your son, flesh of your flesh, at a certain moment for a short or longer time, moves away from you: you feel that he no longer belongs to you. Also the dearest people, in some way, distance themselves: at times you feel alone even in the midst of your own family. But you get close again, overcoming the ditches of passions and interests, if you reach out to others through Christ since He is the mediator of indefectible sociality: in Him we infallibly unite.

    (Igino Giordani, Cattolicity, Morcelliana, 1946, p.260)
  • I need You

    Lord, I don’t need to draft the list of my needs, which is certainly unending. It’s enough to say that I need You.

    (Igino Giordani, Diary of Fire, New City, 1980, p.88)