Living Works of Igino Giordani

Igino Giordani was a profound and prolific writer. We need only mention the 100 books published in his name, as well as the 4.000 papers and articles he wrote for magazines and newspapers, some of whom he directed and others he collaborated with. Today our cultural environment still thirsts for Igino’s erudition and wisdom. For this reason some of Giordani’s books continue to spread his thought and charism.

Centro Igino Giordani, together with Città Nuova editor, started the new series of books: «Opere Vive di Igino Giordani» (Living works of Igino Giordani), chosing ten of the most significant titles of Giordani’s large output:

  1. Disumanesimo (Dis-humanism), published in Italian in 2007
  2. Pionieri cristiani della democrazia (Christian Pioneers of Democracy), published in Italian in 2008
  3. La società cristiana (Christian Society), published in Italian in 2010
  4. Il fratello (The Brother), published in Italian in 2011
  5. Segno di contraddizione (A Sign of Contradiction), expected in 2013
  6. “Padre Nostro” preghiera sociale – La Carità: principio sociale (The “Our Father” a Social Prayer – Charity: a Social Principle)
  7. La rivoluzione cristiana (THe Christian Revolution)
  8. Le due città. Religione e politica nella vicenda delle libertà umane (The Two Cities. Religion and Politics in the Affairs of Human Liberties)
  9. Cattolicità (Catholicity)
  10. Laicato e sacerdozio (Laity and Priesthood).

Each volume has an introduction written by a witness of today’s culture, who presents the relevance today of Igino Giordani’s thought.

For a more in-depht presentation of the figure and thought of Igino Giordani, consult the following books:

English books about Igino Giordani:

– T. Sorgi, A soul on fire, 2010 (available from Centro Igino Giordani)
– E. H. Robertson, The fire of love, New City, London, 1990.

English books by Igino Giordani:

– I. Giordani, Diary of fire, New City, London, 1981
– I. Giordani, The family, a community of love, New City Press, New York, 1989
– I. Giordani, Lazarus come out: the story of my life, New City Press, New York, 1981
– I. Giordani, Saint Catherine of Siena, St. Paul ed., Boston, 1981
– I. Giordani, The social message of Jesus, St. Paul ed., Boston, 1977
– I. Giordani, The social message of the early Church Fathers, St. Paul ed., Boston, 1977
– I. Giordani, Mary of Nazareth, St. Paul ed., Boston, 1965
– I. Giordani, Christ hope of the world, St. Paul ed., Boston, 1964
– I. Giordani, St Paul apostle and martyr, St. Paul ed., Boston, 1961
– I. Giordani, St Vincent de Paul, servant of the poor, The Bruce Pub. Comp., Milwaukee, 1961
– I. Giordani, Pius X a country priest, The Bruce Pub. Comp., Milwaukee, 1954.

Published On: 24/09/2012Categories: The Igino Giordani Centre

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