The Igino Giordani Centre, founded by Chiara Lubich, is an active entity within the Focolare Movement.  Created to bring alive the thought and figure of Igino Giordani in their relevance for today’s world, it is directed by Professor Alberto Lo Presti, with the support of founding administrator Carla Bozzani and staff members Elena Merli, Christina Roth Avalle, and Claudio Cianfaglioni.

It’s vast archive, meticulously catalogued over the years following his death, include a number of priceless documents that trace Giordani’s cultural, ecclesial e political works.  This cataloguing now makes possible interdisciplinary, coordinated studies from various historical, political, philosophical, theological and spiritual perspectives around the person of Giordani.
Preservation, archiving and cataloguing of his writings numbers more than 100 volumes and 4,000 written articles. Personal correspondence between Giordani and such noted figures as Sturzo, Gobetti, De Gasperi, Papini, Bargellini, de Luca, current ecclesiastical authorities of that time is also being documented and preserved.  For scholars, the Center is now a valuable reference point for  research relating to the person and works of Giordani, as well as the Christian culture of his time. Younger scholars, in particular, have also presented a number of recent graduate theses related to the person and thought of Igino Giordani.

Aside from the Center’s website, Facebook, Twitter and other web based media are also being used to present cultural, spiritual and historical reflections linked to his multifaceted work.  The Center also assists in the provision of needed documents for the second phase of Giordani’s beatification process. Having concluded the initial diocesan process in September 2009, work is now in its second phase, being brought forward by the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints, in Rome.

  • 29/09/2022
    Elena Merli

    Ekklesía is a journal published by Città Nuova Editorial Group which is at the service of ecclesial commitment. Its headline  "Holiness next door" reflects the in-depth study of this latest issue (3/2022) Among the reflections, it explores the ...

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  • 24/09/2012

    Igino Giordani was a profound and prolific writer. We need only mention the 100 books published in his name, as well as the 4.000 papers and articles he wrote for magazines and newspapers, some of whom he directed ...

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