A prophet, one of the few whose voice can still help us today. Where everyone sees the conflict between the poor and the rich, he sees the need to rebuild the common good on the social message of Jesus. Where everyone sees the opposition between political factions, he sees the narrow path that leads to democracy and unity. While everyone is witnessing the disappearance of religious practice, he understands that the laity can play a decisive role in the work of evangelization. Seeing beyond what simply appears: this is his living in prophecy.

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Giordani was a formidable writer. There are about a hundred signed volumes, and more than 4000 newspaper and magazine articles.

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the focolare

Igino spent the first part of his life searching for a way to translate his religious commitment into something deeper.

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If love of God means doing his will, the will of God becomes the will of those who love him: who therefore have a sole will, that of God, and they are unified in this.

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