Transform the world into the house of Mary

22 08

The imitation of Mary is summarised in that typical attitude of hers before the will of God and Jesus’s words: «carefully guarding these things within, and meditating on them in her heart.»(Luke. 2, 19).
She made of her heart a paradise of divine things: a room of the Verb, incarnated and spoken. She was the one who, upon carrying Jesus in her womb, carried wisdom in her heart.

Igino Giordani, Mary, the perfect Model, New City, Rome012 (1967), p.7.

In imitating her, we can – and must – renounce the world, though remaining in the world – or we can do the same as she did, transform the world into the home of Mary. In this way, every office and mechanics shop is transformed into the house of Jesus, so as to live always with Him, even amidst the paperwork, mouldy walls, shrills and din.

Igino Giordani, Maria perfect model, New City, Rome012 (1967), p.16.


Humble as she was, and of very few words, Mary loved prayer and work, and passed mostof the time in silence and solitude. It was not that desperate solitude of our times, in which man, amid the demographic masses of towns, has no one to communicate with, and remains alone, but the solitude which is a valley full of the Holy Spirit, in which God is present, even in the absence of man.


Igino Giordani, Mary perfect model, New City, Rome012 (1967), p.21.

There are very few passages of the Gospel that speak of Mary, and this soberness reveals reverence which is unfitting for a virgin who was not only revered but even acclaimed. A violet amongst the greens, she exudes perfume, and concealment. Her sanctity, among mankind, lay in her annulling herself at the feet of God who is everything.

Igino Giordani, Mary perfect model, New City, Rome 012 (1967), p.30.

To imitate Mary means to love God up to the point of annulling oneself, which brings peace in the jungle, hope in suffering, clarity of light spread over heaven and earth within the darkness that arises from hell, life of infancy against the senescence of the spirit, and virginal beauty against the wrinkles of fault: in short, deified humanity.

Igino Giordani, Mary, perfect model, New City,Rome012 (1967), p.39.

Published On: 16/08/2016Categories: Moving on with Foco

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