Instead of losing time in hating each other …

tappa 101


In the wound of non-love, we see an unconscious activity, to do evil. In the light of love, one laso sees the other poker like authority, honour, faithfulness and liberty, which are just ways of serving our brothers. If you love, you do not steal, give false witness, fornicate, you honor your father and mother, obey, work, and do good. If you don’t love, you are induced to throw yourself in adventures, which for centuries populations have done, making war, creating hunger, killing one another over the heaps of rubble, as if existence was given us to produce inexistence. If instead of losing time in hating one another and not in taking care of the others, if we had loved instead of the fall of empires, barbaric invasions, civil battles, fearful ruins, we would built, studies, pursued scientific and social progress:, we would have saved centuries of famine, plagues, fratricides. We would have brought down fortresses of ignorance… The lack of love leads to subdue harmless population and to justify racism and use torture and re-attempt to instate colonialism.

Igino Giordani, The only love, New City, Rome, 1974, p. 26

Sons of the same Father

If we put it in our heads that niggers and yellows are sons of the same Father, who loves them the way he loves us; and the others’ countries has to be respected the way we want ours to be respected, while awaiting for universal fraternity to recognise a sole country; and that those of the other party and another religion have been redeemed by the same blood of Jesus, and that facts worth the same infinite value of redemption, nationalism would no longer arise with the pennant of the heroes who have killed more “enemies,”  nazism will no longer be needed, the outburst of the rottenness of closed minds (non-love fertilises stupidity) and the Muslims would not invade Europe and the Christians would no longer kill their brothers, due to the Holy Speulchre, and there would no longer be holy wars and even less, evil wars: the lives of youths will not be thrown amid the rushes and the swamps in the mud and on stones, food for ravens and ants. The youth would the life for which they were created.

Igino Giordani, The only love, New City, Rome, 1974, p. 26-27

Every brother

The mass is made up of brothers, among whom, if we should grant any preference, should be given to the most unfortunate. Each brother, also due to work relationships, or who we meet by chance is a sacrament of God, and our entire daily existence by grace of our broche, assumes a sacred value: the humblest operations, by the grace of service and disservice as they are worth for the community, become ways of contact or detachment. All takes on a dual meaning: that which passes and that which remains, and the humblest task can become the highest sanctity. By acting in this way, Christians produce that divine value called sanctity. Which does not mean exclusiveness but a duty – and a right – for all.

Igino Giordani, The only love, New City, Rome, 1974, p. 27-28

The wisdom of faith

The wisdom of faith differs from science. A cultured person, who knows about literature and mathematics if he has understood the mystery of religion, manages to willingly take lessons of spirituality even from an illiterate person. How many wise men have had as masters, a Catherine of Siena, a Francis of Paola, an Angela of Foligno, a Veronica Giuliani, a Gemma Galgani, people who were uncultured or even illiterate; because the wisdom of the spirit does not depend on studies and books, elegant speeches, but on contemplation, charity, humility. And infused wisdom.
One day, Fr. Arsenio (who had lived for 40 years in Theodosio’s palace) let his thoughts be examined by an Egyptian father. One who saw him said: – Fr. Arsenio, how come you who possess such a Greek-Roman culture ask the opinion of this simple person? He answered: Yes I possesss Greek-Roman culture but I still have not learned the alphabet of this simple farmer.

Igino Giordani, The only love, New City, Rome, 1974, p. 17

Religious Wisdom

One of the religious wisdom was the illiterate Catherine of Siena, whose case demonstrates that love and thus light, is given to all, whatever the degree if their intelligence. The example of Catherine opens the way to the comprehension of Mary of Nazareth. If one wants to know God in order to love him, always because he already knows him. The child know the father from the love, life he is given, even if he is not aware of the tasks performer by the father, his position in the world, his human nature.  Simply. To love mean to know.

Igino Giordani, The only love, New City, Rome, 1974, pp. 19-20

Published On: 09/06/2017Categories: Moving on with Foco

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