About Elena Merli

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So far Elena Merli has created 292 blog entries.
29 09, 2022

Ekklesía. The prophetic insights of a trailblazer

By |2022-10-12T20:01:07+02:0029/09/2022|The Igino Giordani Centre, Initiatives, News, Uncategorized|

Ekklesía is a journal published by Città Nuova Editorial Group which is at the service of ecclesial commitment. Its headline  "Holiness next door" reflects the in-depth study of this latest issue (3/2022) Among the reflections, ...

21 08, 2019

Libri, lettori e bibliotecari a Montecitorio
(Books, Authors and Librarians at Montecitorio)

By |2022-10-12T11:23:57+02:0021/08/2019|What people are saying, Uncategorized|

This interesting volume by Fernando Venturini has just been published. It analyses primarily, and in a systematic way, the history of the library of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament, as mentioned in ...

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