88. The hidden source of love

tappa 88

Awareness of perfection

Today, more than in other historical times, we tend to limit faith to the things of this world, deserting the supernatural. And yet, many today thirst for the pureness of that invisible but undeniable and sacred flow of life, which is the divine in our midst. Man by nature hungers for life and is naturally propelled to bridge the infinite gap that separates him from the Creator. The coexistence with God gives an awareness of strength and nurtures divine energies. If we have the constancy to cultivate internal perfection and do not give in to the attacks of futile things, our search will be able to make social existence an endeavour to rebuild faith, hope and charity also in others. Thus every action is beneficial, and will decrease in bitterness and open out to humane rationale with this supply of energies, work, adversities, dialogue and daily meetings.
Through such a Christian, the divine beings assist humanity and all the spiritual and earthly events will become the raw material for good works. This does not seem too difficult. We need to be aware of perfection which lies in the depth of our hearts, and is obtained by discovering in the underground layers of the spirit, the hidden source of love, which the Creator had sown, and by which Christ made us all his brothers.

Igino Giordani «New City» n.15/16, 2012

A God in love

The fire of love resuscitates redemption: «I came to bring fire on earth and I wish it to burn » (Luke 12:49). If a Christian community, and a soul hidden only in the norms, though beautiful, saintly but personal habits,  do not spread the fire of charity, they would be like extinguished lighters. Jesus and only he, is the principle of this love which makes man partake in life. His entire life expressed the miracle he announced with his words. Only a God who loves could disclose transcendent truths in such simple and comprehensible formulas. In his solidarity he did not find any differences in people, races or castes, and served all. Going through the crowds he distributed words and bread, and healed spirits and bodies. In this service of words and works lies the essence of his love, which becomes communion with the people.
People sought him, and he was always surrounded and acclaimed by the multitudes. He knew the people and their needs, and thus spoke and worked in view of these. He was not a wise man who withdrew in a castle: he was a servant at the disposition of everybody. Jesus understood hunger and misery; at times also he experienced hunger and the lack of the essential goods. The problem of daily bread is thus imbued in the main prayer he said: the “Our Father”.

Igino Giordani «New City» n.8, 2012

Published On: 29/06/2016Categories: Moving on with Foco

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