Sanctity is for all

tappa 105


The more we love, the more we live; the more charity is present, the more there is sanctity. And the consequence is that one is healthier and more saintly when one loves the others more. The saint is the hero who launches himself head down in the abyss of God’s love, and who is loved in his creatures.

Igino Giordani, Our Father – a social prayer. Morcelliana, 1946, p. 24-25.

It is more difficult for a lay married person than for a religious to sanctify himself, because he has to sanctify two people. United in the supernatural life, it is in that unity that both have to be sanctified. The children united also by blood complicate things, while they integrate the house. However, we have to sanctify ourselves corporately.

Igino Giordani, The family, thoughts, New City, Rome 2005, p. 75.

Considering the initiative of that genius of sanctity who was Catherine of Siena, made us review – experiment – that sanctity is for all, involves all, and in reality all desire, according to the invitation the Lord addressed to his disciples, to become perfect on earth like the Father in Heaven. When we ask professionals and workers, and men and women to emancipate themselves from spiritual subproletariat conditions to raise themselves to the heights of contemplation, the response is generous: the people hunger for sanctity the way they hunger for bread.

Igino Giordani, The Church of protests, New City, Rome 1970, p.102.

The saints do not want to lose time: every minute – anywhere – is spent for contemplation, that is, in making all a temple (cum templo) of the divine, the human, spiritual and material. When one would ask St. Anthony the Abbot in the desert, what one had to do to become a saint, he answered: “Work!”.

Igino Giordani, Laity and priesthood, New City, Rome 1964, p. 61.

Sanctity is distilled in silence and cultivates modesty. It does not make news of itself, does not upset or disturb; but from the underlying depths of the spirits, it renews the social structures. The saints go towards their neighbour with the impetus of love: and it is divine love, that is, love for the Lord present in every brother.

Igino Giordani, The two cities, Città Nuova, Roma 1961, p. 172.

Sanctity resists lust, superbia, and violence. It is with difficulty of course, but it resists. The fearful enemy is something else: cowardice. Under cowardice the saint himself feels weak, and if not assisted by extraordinary support, would fall into a general decadence.

Igino Giordani, We and the Church, A.V.E., 1943, p.65.

The saint sees that man is redeemable, and can be recomposed in form and new stature. He sees that, if validly guided and prepared, man can express sanctity and heroism, and be the great, true, cultured and good man of the new and modern society as we idealize it. He would be a pioneer.

Igino Giordani, «New City», 25 September 1963.

Published On: 24/11/2017Categories: Moving on with Foco

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